Fasting mimetic supplementation

Fasting mimetic supplementation


Fasting and fasting mimetic supplementation address sirtuin expression, miRNA and microbiota composition, PDF Download



Doz. Dr. Alexander Haslberger, Dr. Berit Hippe et al.



Fasting and fasting mimetics – bioactive compounds mimicking fasting effects, are of growing interest as potential means to slow down the aging process and increase health span. Sirtuins are known as enzymes that interfere with mitochondrial energy metabolism and molecular pathways involved in longevity. Although their activation is determined as a response to stress i.e. caloric restriction. Sirtuin activating nutraceuticals are believed to mimic the effects of nutrient deprivation, thus activating signaling pathways correlated to an improved health span. In this study, we compare 5 days periodic buchinger fasting intervention with 3 months shot supplementation, a drink formula, containing secondary plant ingredients considered to activate sirtuins.