Humans are integrated into their environment and must permanently react and adapt to it. Not only to physical strain such as movement, heat or weight, but also to the strain of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. The defence against these stresses, which could weaken the health and performance of the body, is carried out by the body completely independently – i.e. autonomously.
This central control system – the autonomous nervous system – controls all processes in the body and makes it healthy and efficient. Why autonomous? So that we do not have to worry about breathing or think about how to control the heartbeat. In addition, many other processes in the body are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, such as digestion, hormone production or the adaptation of the eyes to brightness.
But how good, how powerful is this autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
It is clear that the faster and more dynamically the ANS is able to adapt to environmental conditions, the better the body can adapt to them. So – the better the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, the more efficient the human body is.
Over time, stress and lack of regeneration (lack of sleep recovery) reduce the regulatory capacity and the ANS becomes less adaptable and sluggish. We say; the regulatory ability is reduced, restricted or blocked. This leads to a lack of or limited reaction to build up resistance to the virus in the case of additional stress, as in the case of exposure to the Covid-19 virus. The immune system is not adequately activated and the person becomes ill.