All about electro smog

All about electro smog

Ing. Armin Rebernig is guest with Podcast Host Wolfgang Unsoeld and speaks over electrical smog and building biology.

In doing so, Armin Rebernig addresses the following topics:

  • What is E-Smog?
  • Three simple ways to avoid e-smog!
  • How e-smog affects performance and health
  • The gap between craftsmen and physicians à environmental medicine
  • Biggest danger: mobile radio from outside
  • Hyperelectrosensitivity: New disease of civilization?
  • Influence of digitalization on nerve development in babies and children
  • WLAN the most critical type of radiation à direct biological effects on humans
  • Effects of strong magnetic fields on biological processes in the body


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Ing. Armin Rebernig

Building Biologist & Measurement Technician IBN/SBM, Engineer for Electrical Engineering, Master of Electrical Engineering